2013 Spring RVAT tow tank experiments
Posted 18 May 2014
These data were used in the following publications:
- Bachant and Wosnik, 2013, Performance and near-wake measurements for a vertical axis turbine at moderate Reynolds number
Repository download
Note that this data set is not yet uploaded, pending a journal publication.
To download the reduced data and plotting scripts, Git clone or fork the repository on GitHub.
author = {Bachant, P. and Wosnik, M.},
title = {Performance and near-wake measurements for a vertical axis turbine
at moderate {R}eynolds number},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting},
year = {2013},
number = {FEDSM2013-16575},
address = {Incline Village, NV},
month = {July},
Note that a journal article regarding this data set his in progress, which will become the primary citation upon publication.
The video below contains footage from these experiments:
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